The new Tek RMD® mobility platform, from Matia Robotics, reinvents the way in which people with paraplegia and other disabilities can move and interact in their environment.
The Tek RMD allows you to get back on your feet. Looking at friends, family and everyone at eye level.
The new Tek RMD® includes the electric stand-up lift as a standard, enabling the user to go from a sitting position, to standing. With the Outdoor kit and the folding transfer seat, there are no limits anymore. The city is yours.
Features a remote control to bring the device straight to you. It also has a width of less than that of a wheelchair (measures 42cm wide and 75cm high) and a weight from 118 kg – providing stability and safety. Everything is thought of.
Our body is designed to stand upright. Standing at least five times a week improves bone density, circulation, bladder and bowel function, and relieves pressure points.
The freedom of arms that the TEK RMD gives you when standing up, makes your hands free to perform any task at home or away. Its control is also designed to enable you to carry out all the movements with the help of one hand.
The Tek RMD® mobility device has the capacity to transport a person that weighs up to 120 kilograms. It has a range of 7.53 kilometres, with a maximum speed of 5.63 kilometres per hour.
The user can safely access the Tek RMD® from the rear of the device. Getting on and off the Tek RMD® can be done successfully, much more safely and without sitting assistance, giving you more independence.
Designed for those with paraplegia.
Easy transfer from a manual wheelchair.
Safe and comfortable.
Remote control feature.
You need to get back up
You don’t want anyone looking down on you
Do you want to feel again what it feels like to go out?
Do you want to be independent again?
You need to help your loved ones gain more freedom
And also…
You don’t weigh more than 120 kilos.
The human body is designed to stand upright. Our bones, circulation and vital functions operate optimally when the movement of our body is in an upright posture.
The Tek RMD allows people with paraplegia to keep the body upright, and is therefore a benefit to their health.
Standing at least five times a week improves…
Standing at least five times a week improves…
Bone density
The circulation
Bladder function
Intestinal function
Helps relieve pressure points
In addition to improving physical health, through physiological well-being, it cannot be denied that getting back on your feet, and being able to look at other people at eye level, as well as feeling useful, provides an undeniable psychological well-being too. The Tek RMD will allow you to:
Start to feel useful
Stop being dependent
Release the people around you, giving them more freedom
Look everyone at eye level
Do housework
Leave the home, and meet up with friends
The Tek RMD is therefore an assistance machine, that will give you a new way of seeing and living life.
If the Tek RMD was a perfect product to be at home with and to enable housework, with the outdoor kit its productivity and utility are limitless. Move around the streets, hang out at the bar with your friends… cities are becoming more and more accessible. Paraplegia will soon cease to be a social problem for you.
Another advantage that will give you independence is the way in which the transfer onto the Tek RMD device is carried out. The equipment features a remote control that allows you to bring the Tek RMD closer to where you are to start. Once by your side, the user positions themselves in the back and, from either a wheelchair, seat, or bed, can begin by placing their feet onto the platforms, before tying the harnesses securely. The Tek RMD will do the rest to incorporate you. If you require more information about the product, you can find this where it is available on the manufacturer’s page .
In essence, it’s all a matter of foot positioning, strapping on the harnesses, and the Tek RMD will do the rest.
Product weight: 118kg-160kg
Overall height: 113cm-149cm
Total length: 75cm
Overall width: 41cm
User weight capacity: 40kg to 120kg
User height: 142cm to 190cm
Handle width: 49.78cm
Distance between wheels: 2.80cm
Wheelbase width: 41 cm
Top speed (standard wheel): 4.66 km/h
Top Speed (Big Wheel): 5.63 km/h
Distance range: 7.53 km
Battery capacity: DC 24V (2x12V) 22Ah
Charger: 24V 4A Charger
Battery Type: 12V Valve Regulated Lead Acid
Full width of the wheelbase; 41.91cm-59.69cm
Overall wheelbase length: 76.96cm-102.36cm
Total height (stowed): 80cm-97cm
Turning radius: 60cm
Turning diameter (standard wheel): 148cm
Turning diameter (big wheel): 157 cm
Maximum safe grade (Standard Wheel): 5 degrees
Maximum safe grade (big wheel): 6 degrees
Obstacle Clearing Capacity: (Standard Wheel): 2.49cm
Obstacle Clearance Capacity (big wheel): 3.99 cm
Type of tires: Fail safe, without air tires (standard wheel), with air (big wheel)
Front/ rear tire size (standard wheel) 20cm/ 9.90cm
Tire Size Front/Rear (Big Wheel) 10″/ 9″
Braking distance, and time on flat surface (standard wheel): 125cm in 1.8 seconds
Braking distance, and time on flat surface (Big Wheel) 150cm in 1.8 seconds
Braking distance up to 50 degrees. slope at max. speed (standard wheel): 175 cm
Braking distance up to 50 degrees. slope at max. speed (big wheel): 260cm
The folding transfer seat helps users rest while in the Tek RMD. It can also help when transferring from a wheelchair or seat to the Tek RMD M1.
The new Tek RMD M1 now comes with an optional outdoor conversion kit. Easily switch between indoor and outdoor modes for maximum mobility.